
This site just got a new look with Jekyll!

This site just got a new look! I migrated from Wordpress to Jekyll. So far, I am extremely happy about it!

I moved to Jekyll because it is a static site generator, whereas Wordpress is a dynamic web page content management system. You might be thinking that going from dynamic to static is a downgrade - I though that too, but it is all about using the right tool for the right job. The content on this blog doesn’t have much “interactivity” between users - for example, there are no comment section below each post. This means that all of the dynamic web page features aren’t really being used.

Rather Jekyll to me looks very enticing because simplicity is at its core, without having it restrict features (rather I say this new site has much more features)! Here is how it is simple yet powerful:

  • it uses Markdown for creating posts - allows me to write posts in Vim :D
  • deployment is a piece of cake - and deploying static sites on Github Pages is free!
  • writing posts with code is a delight - markdown allows the triple backquotes “`” to write any programming language you want

Finally, I would like to say that this theme is an awesome theme! The features like the right sidebar contents page, links to similar posts on the bottom of each post, and left sidebar for navigation are just perfect!

As of now the photography page is not here on this blog yet. That will be coming soon!

Here is a picture of the old website for reference:


This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.