ML Club Video: Word2Vec
Every ML model has something in common – numbers! Every weight, bias, neuron activation – from the inputs given to the final prediction – all them are represented as floating point numbers, often b...
Every ML model has something in common – numbers! Every weight, bias, neuron activation – from the inputs given to the final prediction – all them are represented as floating point numbers, often b...
Numpy is a Python library that serves as the backbone for Machine Learning. Machine Learning can be described as the confluence of three giant fields of mathematics – Calculus, Statistics, and Line...
In this ML Club session, we do a walk-through of how to code a simple neural network in the Python programming language. We will be using a deep-learning library called PyTorch to code a neural net...
When you look at a face, what do you see? You see eyes, ears, a nose, and other facial features. When a computer normally looks at a photo of a face, it sees pixels – individual blocks of color arr...
Update: There is a new video on this topic from 2024. Please refer to the new video here as it is updated with more info. In this ML Club session, we’ll learn how to visualize 1000-dimensional ...
I enjoy reading the news – I read both the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times daily. But when it came to Machine Learning content, I was looking for a news site that provided the same, dail...
In this ML club session, we go from Linear Regression to Neural Networks in just one go! Linear Regression is all about lines of best fit for a given dataset. But how do we find lines of best fit?...